We are pleased to inform you that the photos of the participants are now available. Weiterlesen
Are you part of Karwendelmarsch or waiting for your loved ones at the finish line? We want to see you! Take us with you on your #karwendelmarsch journey and appear on our social wall… Weiterlesen
In slightly summery weather, the two winners of the Karwendelmarsch 2023 recently planted their winning tree… Weiterlesen
The Karwendelmarsch sends out a strong signal in favour of sustainability and the protection of nature. Weiterlesen
SOLD OUT: Karwendelmarsch 2024 🌟🎉 Unbelievable, but true: The starting places for this year’s Karwendelmarsch were sold out within 2 hours and 23 minutes! We still can’t believe it and are thrilled for you… Weiterlesen
THANK YOU TEAM KARWENDELMARSCH! As we do every autumn, we gathered for the helpers’ party to thank the entire team… Weiterlesen
For each participant, three euros will be invested in the ambitious “Traces of Biodiversity” project, which aims to… Weiterlesen
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